What inspired you to start taking photographs, and what is the primary inspiration for you to keep working in this field?
I used to model and when I was working I started document everything with my camera ! I am a very visual person . When I discover photography it changed my life . It calmed me down and gave me something and somewhere to put my energy ...
I love documenting my life and my children . They are my inspiration and of course light and the amazing way a camera catches it !!
In your opinion and experience, how can emerging photographers evaluate themselves as ready to start promoting their works and seek broader exposure for their photographs? What is one vital action you would recommend photographers undertake to find their audience, be included in exhibitions, and gain professional representation?
My biggest advise is to just start documenting something they love that is in front of them take it one step at a time soon they will have an amazing body of work . If one has the courage most people art galleries and magazines etc... Are always looking for something new and interesting so just start calling and seeing people ! Not everyone is going to respond but if you can find one person that likes your work then you made it !!! Then keep up that relationship with that person and use them as a inspiration to go further and then keep seeing people .. The next thing you know you will be achieve some of your goals !
How did it come about that you achieved the status of successful, professional photographer? What steps were involved in reaching your level of success?
I had quit commercial photography and went to see an art director that believes in my work he encouraged me to start documenting my family I was bored with commercial work ..... Then I met Charles Saatchi and he fell in love with my photos and then did a huge show .... What happened to me is not the regular way of things it just happened then one thing lead to the next .....